Sunday, December 21, 2008

Earth Leakage and the last three months...

So. I know this blog is admittedly lame. I really don't have an excuse other than my first thought isn't running to an internet cafe to tell you about the gory details--some might say drama--of my wacky days. I'm sorry. The last three months have been...full. I am so aware of the things and people that have come into my world in glorious ways. I am also so aware of my humanity and limits and my needs. It can be an uncomfortable, but seriously lively place to live. I do have some stories, like the day I really pissed off one of my crafters by asking her repeatedly if she was mad. 'Are you mad? If you're mad at me, we can talk about it. You are acting like you're mad.' I must have said 'mad' 8 times...until she yells, 'I'm NOT crazy!!' at me in front of all of our co-workers. Oh? You thought I was telling you you were crazy, not well in the head when all I was doing was trying to iron out our little work conflict. Beautiful. I will say that, for the most part, I am surrounded by about the most endearing people one could hope to encounter in the world--for instance, there's Linda, who's a man and a witch doctor. Beat that.

Also, I have discovered that our fuse box has a fuse for 'Earth Leakage.' Now, I'm sorry, but that's damn funny. I have asked about the definition of earth leakage and got a half-formed answer. When South Africans say something is 'earthed,' it's like when we use the word 'grounded,' like the third prong on a plug. Ok. This I get. I don't get how that could leak. Thus, the comedy that presents itself to me every time I walk out the door.

It's nearly Christmas and I am joining my flatmate in northern Natal. In fact, I should be packing right now. I hope you have the happiest Christmas, your families are near, and that you have much peace for the day and into 2009. Hi Mom!

I call this picture: Monday. Seriously.